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PartySocket (Client API)

PartySocket is a TypeScript client library for connecting to PartyKit servers via WebSockets.


Terminal window
npm install partysocket@latest


  • WebSocket API compatible (same interface, Level0 and Level2 event model)
  • Automatically reconnect if the connection is closed.
  • Multi-platform (Web, ServiceWorkers, Node.js, React Native)
  • Dependency free (does not depend on Window, DOM or any EventEmitter library)
  • Handle connection timeouts
  • Allows changing server URL between reconnections
  • Buffering. Will send accumulated messages on open
  • Multiple builds available (see dist folder)
  • Debug mode
  • Fully configurable
  • Works everywhere, not just with PartyKit!


Compatible with WebSocket Browser API

MDN WebSocket API.

Usage with PartyKit

import PartySocket from "partysocket";
const ws = new PartySocket({
host: "", // or localhost:1999 in dev
room: "my-room",
// add an optional id to identify the client,
// if not provided, a random id will be generated
// note that the id needs to be unique per connection,
// not per user, so e.g. multiple devices or tabs need a different id
id: "some-connection-id",
// optionally, specify the party to connect to.
// if not provided, will connect to the "main" party defined in partykit.json
party: "main",
// optionally, pass an object of query string parameters to add to the request
query: async () => ({
token: await getAuthToken()
// optionally, update the properties of the connection
// (e.g. to change the host or room)
host: "",
room: "my-new-room"
ws.reconnect(); // make sure to call reconnect() after updating the properties

Usage with React

PartySocket also exports a React hook for convenience:

import usePartySocket from "partysocket/react";
const Component = () => {
const ws = usePartySocket({
// usePartySocket takes the same arguments as PartySocket.
host: "", // or localhost:1999 in dev
room: "my-room",
// in addition, you can provide socket lifecycle event handlers
// (equivalent to using ws.addEventListener in an effect hook)
onOpen() {
onMessage(e) {
onClose() {
onError(e) {

The usePartySocket hook handles connecting on mount, disconnecting on unmount, and cleaning up the on(Connect|Message|Close|Error) handlers.

Usage with other WebSocket servers

PartySocket can be used with any WebSocket server, not only PartyKit servers.

import { WebSocket } from "partysocket";
const ws = new WebSocket("wss://");
ws.addEventListener("open", () => {

Update URL

The url parameter will be resolved before connecting, possible types:

  • string
  • () => string
  • () => Promise<string>
import { WebSocket } from "partysocket";
const urls = [
let urlIndex = 0;
// round robin url provider
const urlProvider = () => urls[urlIndex++ % urls.length];
const ws = new WebSocket(urlProvider);
import { WebSocket } from "partysocket";
// async url provider
const urlProvider = async () => {
const token = await getSessionToken();
return `wss://${token}`;
const ws = new WebSocket(urlProvider);

Update Protocols

The protocols parameter will be resolved before connecting, possible types:

  • null
  • string
  • string[]
  • () => string | string[] | null
  • () => Promise<string | string[] | null>
import { WebSocket } from "partysocket";
const ws = new WebSocket("wss://", "your protocol");
import WebSocket from 'partysocket`;
const protocols = ['p1', 'p2', ['p3.1', 'p3.2']];
let protocolsIndex = 0;
// round robin protocols provider
const protocolsProvider = () => protocols[protocolsIndex++ % protocols.length];
const ws = new WebSocket('wss://', protocolsProvider);


Sample with custom options

import { WebSocket } from "partysocket";
import WS from "ws";
const options = {
WebSocket: WS, // custom WebSocket constructor
connectionTimeout: 1000,
maxRetries: 10
const ws = new WebSocket("wss://", [], options);

Available options

type Options = {
WebSocket?: any; // WebSocket constructor, if none provided, defaults to global WebSocket
maxReconnectionDelay?: number; // max delay in ms between reconnections
minReconnectionDelay?: number; // min delay in ms between reconnections
reconnectionDelayGrowFactor?: number; // how fast the reconnection delay grows
minUptime?: number; // min time in ms to consider connection as stable
connectionTimeout?: number; // retry connect if not connected after this time, in ms
maxRetries?: number; // maximum number of retries
maxEnqueuedMessages?: number; // maximum number of messages to buffer until reconnection
startClosed?: boolean; // start websocket in CLOSED state, call `.reconnect()` to connect
debug?: boolean; // enables debug output
debugLogger?: (...args: any[]) => void; // Use a custom logger (when `debug` is true)

Default values

WebSocket: undefined,
maxReconnectionDelay: 10000,
minReconnectionDelay: 1000 + Math.random() * 4000,
reconnectionDelayGrowFactor: 1.3,
minUptime: 5000,
connectionTimeout: 4000,
maxRetries: Infinity,
maxEnqueuedMessages: Infinity,
startClosed: false,
debug: false,



constructor(url: UrlProvider, protocols?: ProtocolsProvider, options?: Options)
close(code?: number, reason?: string)
reconnect(code?: number, reason?: string)
send(data: string | ArrayBuffer | Blob | ArrayBufferView)
addEventListener(type: 'open' | 'close' | 'message' | 'error', listener: EventListener)
removeEventListener(type: 'open' | 'close' | 'message' | 'error', listener: EventListener)


More info

binaryType: string;
bufferedAmount: number;
extensions: string;
onclose: EventListener;
onerror: EventListener;
onmessage: EventListener;
onopen: EventListener;
protocol: string;
readyState: number;
url: string;
retryCount: number;


CONNECTING 0 The connection is not yet open.
OPEN 1 The connection is open and ready to communicate.
CLOSING 2 The connection is in the process of closing.
CLOSED 3 The connection is closed or couldn't be opened.
